Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


Monster Cache

december 16, 2012

Developers need to adjust the formula in subsequent releases; change is both accepted and necessary. Certain tweaks, such as to treasure chests that make you go "Oooh!" with anticipation should probably be left alone. I think we wouldn't need to cover those basics, but it looks like Frozenbyte missed the notice for Trine 2. Now I certainly love artistic stuff, but it takes oomph out of the experience - something that was previously present.

Pie and I played through Trine 1 recently and had a blast! I think a lot of what made the game fun was the fact that we were constantly goofing around, coordinating, exploring and killing each other (on accident, of course). I'm sure the single player game is quite fun, but I think it really shines as a co-op puzzle-platformer. It's not too hectic, reflex or critically intensive, but it is a solidly built and fun romp through gorgeous environments with fun and loose physics. We just started Trine 2 and, except for the fodder for this week's comic, we are hopeful for more fun times.

Following in suit with Trine 2, I'll leave you with the next bits of the poem! Feel free to complete more of your own verses as you see fit or start new ones and e-mail 'em to us; we'd love to see what adventures you would give to the goblins (don't forget to make it sound goblin-ish!):

Goblin goblin, one two threes
Look at us, climb up some trees.

Goblin goblin, fours five six,
Stabbing mens with pointy sticks.

Goblin goblin, seven eight nines,
Now we run from stupid Trines.


Aggro Update!

december 16, 2012

Before we get to the comic, I wanted to take a moment and apologize for our flakiness lately. We have been slipping a lot lately with being on time and generally available. Our Kickstarter from back in February has art stuff we are still making good on and it has been weighing on us a lot. We both feel terrible it has taken so long to finish but life has been chaotic for the last 6 months with a lot of changes happening.

Add on top of that and we are still trying to push the boundries for LiA iteself, whether it is trying different art approaches or just changing our scripting process to try and be more fun and funny more often. We're always looking to get better and that tends to make punctuality take a back seat. We feel bad about that though and we thank you all for being patient with our not-quite Friday updates. I usually don't want to apologize because I figure that the best apology would be just to deliver as promised. I still believe that, but I also need to be more expressive with how much we appreciate your support and be more open about what's going on.

With that I would like to share the latest completed Kickstarter commissions! The first was actually completed way back in May for a sweet girl named Rutana and I thought we had already posted it here, but on closer inspection of the archives, it seems we never posted it on the site proper.

The second was a request from a fan that became a good friend after the Kickstarter was complete, who requested a picture with himself alongside the two misfits that run this site!

This latest one we completed for a long standing supporter of Pie's artwork who may have been familiar with her work even before I knew her! This was a request of his goblin, Autoattack, and his girlfriends Tauren, Farore. This one comes at a special time as they are getting married and we both wish them as much goofy bliss as we hope this picture conveys!

Monster Cache

december 16, 2012