Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic



december 7, 2012

I feel like this comic should serve as a public service announcement. When a tissue has been used once, it should end up in the garbage. I don't think that it is particularly complicated rule, but it should be once that we all abide by. Pie apparently missed this vital sanitary lecture sometime back in kindergarten. To her, tissues must be used until every square centimeter is filled with some sort of bodily fluid. Additionally, she must alternate between several tissues so that nothing is too wet on subsequent uses. Finally, a safe storage location must be procured for tissues awaiting re-use. See boys and girls? Doesn't it sound a lot easier just to toss 'em? Remember, it's not only easier; it's the right thing to do!

As Pie mentioned last week, we've been recently re-enamored with Dragon Nest. It's nice to be back into the game after taking about a year off as we can see some of the vast improvements that have been made to the game in our absence. The first noticeable change is that Nexon has been BUSY. If you were to check on their forums, you would think otherwise from people being impatient for more, but seriously, the pace that Nexon has localized the game really is commendable. Within the year that we have been absent, there have been 3 serious game updates with level cap increases (32, 40 and 50) and a new character class (tinkerer). I think the update pace is quiet nice, but you can't blame people for wanting more of a good thing as quickly as possible.

The other big update we notices was adapting the game to be a bit more friendly by giving characters a very cheap way to purchase much needed storage and bag space with the aid of coupons. These come from level-up gift boxes new characters receive that contain various goodies, which incidentally also contain some free bag space expansions. Additionally, they condensed down crafting materials and increased stack sizes which help tremendously.

I really hope that the bot problem that has been plaguing their servers remains in-check. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to fight such a complex issue that can completely debilitate their servers. It's sad to think that it reflects poorly on the ability of their servers, which operate silky smooth for us when not under massive siege by gold framers. Pie and I are hopeful though as we would like to see the success of such a fun game.


december 7, 2012