Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic

Kat recently made a Steam discovery that really caught the attention of Pie and me. Between the appealing art style and the nature of the mystery and timeline altering, Omensight just seemed to speak to us. Pie and I have always been fans of alternate dimensions and time manipulation and it just seemed to scratch both of those itches. In it, you play as the Harbinger - a being who is said to appear during times of chaos, who comes to investigate what has caused the world to end. Through learning the story of different characters on each side of a conflict, you slowly start to piece together clues of what happened.

One of the neat aspects is that, in order to gain trust with some individuals, you must knowingly work against others. It's a cool way in which the developers show their narrative through different characters' perspectives while also giving new content to explore. While there is a little bit of re-treading some of the levels, they do a good job of making it as optimized as possible and creating enough difference in the branching paths inside levels so they don't go stale. Of course, if you happen to want to go on revenge-sprees against characters you don't like, or just for murder-for-funsies (MFF for short, obvs), there isn't really anything stopping you~

Pie and I have also been enjoying FFXIV more and more which recently released a new patch. It's so hard to believe that we are over halfway through Stormblood and just how consistently it has delivered to be an exceptional expc through and through. The current patch saw the culmination of the Omega storyline (which is cute and touching!), a couple neat dungeons, some uncharacteristically horrible looking gear, AND some really fantastic music! Pie has been remarking lately too that they have been getting rather good at more nuanced facial expressions, and I'm inclined to agree.

Even before the patch hit, I'd been dealing with the wait for new content by trying to get Kat engaged in the game. Thinking about all the story that she has yet to see, all the pivotal moments and reveals and attachments to characters that I hope that she shares with me, it only makes me more and more enamored with the game. Kat and I tend to have a bit different tastes in what we adore, but I'm hoping that I can see her get excited about something that means so much to me~

The Name is Binge, Harbinger

september 23, 2018