Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Bushy Buddies

october 15, 2015

I've never really been that good at being social or keeping in touch, even with people who I care very much for; it's a miracle that Bear and I even got together to be as we are! I don't think I'm really at a point where I don't have a social life, but I think that if it weren't for Final Fantasy 14, it'd border on being non-existent. Even during my time in-game, I seldom mingle or converse with others in our group. Bear's a lot more open and sociable, letting him get close to some really cool people and having good discussions, which I often times end up hearing cliff notes of afterwards. XD I'm really happy to see him making connections with people and sometimes I can't help but to want it too. Especially since after the time we lived in Las Vegas during which we were pretty much living in a hole for a year. >.<

It feels strange that though I crave a connection with people and the social aspect, it doesn't feel like it's in my nature to want to be active in it. I'm often quiet whenever I'm with a group of people; I don't think that I'm shy, but most times, I just don’t have anything to say and I'm not going to waste my breath just to hear myself talk. I think I'm also picky at what to participate in too by the fact that I don't really care so much for empty chatter. Joking around is always great though, I enjoy the dance of creativity and the joy that follows.

Even though I don't spend much time with people in FF14, the very little I do still makes me happy; things feel so much better now than how it was before Bear and I started playing. I'm really thankful that we started when we did and got to meet all the people we have. Even if we don't interact regularly, it's always fun to know that friends are there, just a whisper away as you play. As I said before, I've been kinda yearning to play a console style game lately, but aside from my time and energy constraints, I'd really miss the social aspect of an MMO. XD It always seems to go back to the idea that you can't overlook the importance of the friends and community aspects in an MMO. =)

Bushy Buddies

october 15, 2015