Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Current Comic


Bittersweet Tragedy

july 18, 2014

This week's comic is dedicated to a good gaming friend of ours who we don't get to see very often anymore. A while back, he told us that aside from his busy schedule, he now has a girlfriend! A little red flag went up in my head when I first heard the news. "Oh, I hope she plays games! >.< " I thought.

I've heard plenty of times of girlfriends who don't play games (or play them super casually) and don't like it when their boyfriends play or talk about games. It gets me angry at the idea of people getting into relationships and someone being pressured by their partner into stopping a beloved hobby simply because they both can't enjoy the same things.

Though Bear and I are happy that he's found someone, I can't help but to be worried for our friend because he's such a great guy and a huge gamer at heart; I don't want anything squelching or changing him. I addressed my concerns, but he says everything's good, so I just have to take his word for it.


Separation Anxiety

july 18, 2014

It's so difficult to come to terms with close friends that begin to drift away from you. As you age, it seems to happen more and more often as it becomes quite challenging, nigh impossible, to nurture the relationships that matter the most to you with all the commitments life throws your way. It hits especially hard for us introverts that tend to have and cherish a very small group of dear friends.

For Pie and I, we end up being very protective of our friends and want them to find the sort of happiness that we have together with whomever that may end up being with. Of course, we think that being a couple that can game together is ideal! After all, it's interactive entertainment that can be done as couple-only time or while socializing with gaming friends. Perhaps our biases are a bit obvious though? XD

Either way, I think it's important for a couple to share at least one passionate hobby together. Doing so really helps the bonding process and establishes a strong foundation for the friendship required in any meaningful romantic relationship. It doesn't really matter if it's gaming, but it certainly would be nice to see even more couples out there playing together.

Bittersweet Tragedy

july 18, 2014