Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


Westward Bound

april 12, 2014

Well, it has been an incredible past month! Around March 10th, we had no idea that a move was even on the horizon, yet in that time we've not only discovered that one was imminent, we've also moved from Las Vegas to my father's place near Los Angeles in the interim, scouted for a new home with a new roommate, and gathered the resources and energy to sign the lease, transport our stuff from my dad's place and move in while getting mostly settled into our new place in a beautiful LA suburb, Glendale!

It's been such a surprising, refreshing and positive change to our lives and I am still sort of reeling from how quickly it all came about. Pie and I had been making a commute from Las Vegas to Los Angeles on a monthly basis for the past 18 or so months with little interruption, but the fact was that it was a constant challenge to go back and forth and find time to produce the comic, get side work done, play games and tend to regular life concerns in addition to having time for friends and family. Somehow we managed, but we've also just sort of been treading water; unable to really build a backlog or merchandise or spend time socializing on deviantArt and social media, let alone our own forums!

Now that we've been afforded this fantastic opportunity to have a more stable environment in which to make comics and do our things, Pie and I have been extremely excited what the next year and on will bring for us! No longer will a significant portion of time be spent traveling and otherwise wasted; we will be in a position to be much freer and focused as we were prior to the move out to Vegas.

So, this week we will be taking one final break to get to work on a project that we plan on spanning over the next 3 weeks (April 18th, 25th and May 2nd updates), a short story comic to fulfill our final, and LONG overdue, Kickstarter obligation. Unfortunately, Pie and I simply don't have the time to produce the story comic alongside regular LiA strips, so we'll be publishing them here instead. Fear not though, the comic will be game related! We feel it is the perfect time to work on this as it is reflective of our own new beginnings as well as afford us some vital play time to get scripting for regular LiA strips for when the story concludes.

It's been a long time coming and Pie and I have thrown out many scripts that we weren't too pleased with, wanting it to be worth the time making it and to show our appreciation for all those that backed us so long ago. We finally settled on one we are happy with and we wanted to give it the time it deserves instead of rushing it out to make this week's publication deadline. Originally it was intended to be a Kickstarter exclusive, but instead those of you who supported the campaign will get access to a high-res PDF of it including draft material and behind the scenes stuff.

Finally, we wanted to thank everyone SO much for all your support; it literally means the world to us. We are extremely lucky and incredibly grateful to have the support and patience that we do from our friends, family and you, our dear readers! Pie and I are so excited to be settled and we can't wait to bring you more great stuff! Here's to the future!!

Things have settled down a bit since the move; the place still looks very chaotic with boxes, etc. littering the floor, but at least the kitchen and bathroom are mostly cleaned, set up and are working. =) We're both really happy with the apartment's atmosphere. We have nice big windows with plenty of sunlight, nice breezes, and a really nice view of a forested mountain in the back of the complex. =) Hopefully, we can get all the house stuff done this weekend so we can focus more on the comic and life.

We have a new roommate! I'll refer to him as "Carlos" for now XD He's actually made a few appearances in the comic before and might appear more often since he lives with us now. Both Bear and I met him years ago when we used to play Ragnarok Online. We've lived somewhat close for a long time, but we only saw him about once a month or less, now we get to see him EVERY DAY!! XD (I hope he doesn't get tired of us anytime soon. =x) It's exciting to have him as a roommate because he's a really awesome guy, is a gamer, and now we can all play local multiplayer games with more than two players! =D I suppose you can say we could have done so before, but now we have more chances to since he lives so conveniently close! XD -and we can have smores. =F It's like a super long sleepover! XD

I Want My (Baby Back)x3

april 5, 2014