Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


Not a Bite to Bleat

april 19, 2013

Click for large.

One would think that in a sea of delectable animals it would be plausible to procure a little sustenance. Not so, says Minecraft! I suppose sheep are some sort of Holy animals to Mojang, which is fine. We all need to have some animal that we worship; it sort of makes us whole. Those other animals? Menu items.

I'm happy to say that we've gotten further into Skyward Sword and things are going nicely now. The bad taste of the first dungeon boss has been washed away with a fun second boss as well as a neat 3rd dungeon motif. We're currently on hold because I left our Wiimotion plus controller at my dad's place last week, which sadly is out of town. Le sigh. So now we're onto Borderlands 2 and having some fun with that as Pie experiences her first real FPS. Happy times. Happy Bear times!

Oh, sometime a couple weeks back, Pie finished the fifth Kickstarter commission. The request was from one of her long time supporters who requested her to depict "Paradise", at least how she sees it. Her interpretation was that Paradise to her was "sharing happy, joyful discovery and new experiences with those close to you".


Not a Bite to Bleat

april 19, 2013