Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

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Alvin's Chipmunks

february 23, 2013

I'm sure that a lot of us have had this experience...the compulsive need to check everything whether or not it makes any sense. I mean, gaming teaches us to look at everything; especially for those of us with OCD. This of course leads to some very awkward, and in turn funny, moments. Or perhaps that just provides useful cover. Who knows?

Pie and I have been playing The Witcher lately. With news of The Witcher 3 floating around this month, I wanted to dust off the first two since they have been collecting virtual dust in our Steam library. We thought the second game looked rather interesting when we saw the GT review of it, but my computer would seize up trying to process the impressive migs and megs of the game. I think the swift kick I delivered must have fixed it though, because it seems to run serviceably now.

We decided to start with the first game so we could see some of the back story of Geralt, a badass with alchemical mutagenic powers who also has the added bonus of being infertile and immune to infectious disease. It's a convenient device to allow you to be a playboy without consequence so why not live it up? For every girl you smooth talk into sleeping with you, you get a handy bromide to remember her by. Pie and I thought it was funny because we didn't expect there to be a "dating element" to the game.

There are a number of hooks about the first game but I think the most important is the groundwork that it lays in fleshing out the source material. While we have yet to see just how deep or intriguing the world actually is, everything we have experienced so far has only heightened the anticipation Pie and I have to play the second game.

Alvin's Chipmunks

february 23, 2013