Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Perilous Pasta

july 20, 2012

Wow, another Metroid-ish themed comic so soon! XD We probably won't be doing another Metroid one for a while though since we don't like sticking to a single theme for too long. Today's comic is based on Super Metroid; one of my all-time favorite games. =D If you haven't played this game, you seriously gotta gotta!! >.< In doing this and the last Metroid comic, I made it a serious intention to have Samus in her gravity suit, I always loved its colors in the game.~

Super Metroid was actually the first game of the franchise I played. I loved it so much I ended up working backwards towards Metroid 2, then Metroid for the NES. I admit I never got very far in the original. It might not be my cup of tea, but I don't think I'd mind picking it up again in the future out of curiousity. I haven't played much of Metroid Prime for the Gamecube, but from what I have, it looks like Retro Studios did a really amazing job working a 2D game concept into a 3D game; it carried the feeling of Super Metroid very well. XD

I have very limited exposure to games of the franchise after that point. From what I've played and seen though, I'm not too fond of the systems implemented in Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Fusion in which there seems to be another entity telling you where to go and what to do next as if there was a check-list of errands. I also wasn't very fond of the involvement of other humanoid characters and drama. I don't think I have a problem with story or characters in a Metroidish type of game; Castlevania and Cavestory are awesome, so I'm not quite sure what it is. I can't help to suspect that it has something to do with the setting feeling very military-like which I suppose is another thing I'm not very fond of. o_<

So, That's what I gotta say about Metroid! =D

Last week I wrote about the Romancing SaGa series and I realized that I should have left something visual for you guys to watch to try to get as many of you out there to try the series out! Here's a really awesome looking fight in SaGa Frontier! =D

Perilous Pasta

july 20, 2012