Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


Arresting Humor

may 18, 2019

Pie's brand of humor has never been something I would say is "popular" by any stretch of the imagination, but somehow, through sheer force of will(?) she manages to get people to laugh. I mean, they are more laughing with her because she cracks up so much at her own puns and jokes that it's nigh impossible to *not* start laughing. She's there laughing so hard she has to choke out the rest of her joke that the situation gets too funny that it's pretty much an automatic response. You try watching someone laugh at their own jokes in a jubilant way and you try to hold it in!

Anyways, perhaps through experience or through sheer determination, she's been honing her skills to a whole other level. Perhaps another planet? That's probably where she would be the queen of comedy, anyways. I honestly think that she's been trying harder because people are laughing, regardless of the why of it. And so, plucky as Pie ever is, she has resolved to improve on her fine art. Everyone...I think we've inadvertently created a monster. Coincidentally, a monster Pie does seem like a good way to go~

Arresting Humor

may 18, 2019