Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Pillow Preggers

september 30 , 2018

It's a weird point in your life when you begin to realize how you're about the age your parents were when they gave birth to you, when you look around at your friends, acquaintances, and family members who are around the same age or younger, and are getting married and starting families of their own. It's surreal to think where all the time's gone and that, when my parents had me, they might not have been as "adult" as I once thought. I know that everyone has their own path in life and that everyone's path is different, but I can't help feeling, and maybe it's natural, that I'm really behind in the game that is life. I didn't care much about the idea of having a partner or kids while I was in high school, though I was drawn to and was curious about the aspects of a romantic relationship, and I've been fine about living an alternative lifestyle. I'm really happy and blessed to be in such a wonderful relationship with Cecilia and to have the kind of freedom we do, but I still can't help to feel a little sad when I think of the fantasy of how it would be to have a "normal upbringing", to have a "normal life", and to be a "normal person" in a happy relationship.

It feels like such a silly thing to be a jealous of a fantasy. ^^ -but sometimes, that's just life, right?

Pillow Preggers

september 30, 2018