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Video Game Comic and Blog

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Don't Rush Me Bro

july 29 , 2018

I was always interested in Gravity Rush since its reveal years ago. It looked different, artsy, and the idea of playing around with gravity in games always sounds cool, but since the game was a Playstation Vita exclusive, I dropped any expectations that I'd ever get the chance to check it out. Luckily, they made Gravity Rush 2 for the PS4. X3

We got Gravity Rush 2 along with our PS4 and Persona 5 over a year ago. I didn't really have a chance to focus on the game since we were so busy with Persona 5 and then getting sucked back into Final Fantasy 14 for Stormblood, but I was able to throw in a couple hours here and there and was really enjoying myself! It really got me wanting to get the HD port of the first Gravity Rush for the PS4, but by then, they'd already gone out of print. ^^ Maybe one day we'll get the digital version?

It was really refreshing to play the protagonist, Kat in GR2. To play a cute, realistically proportioned female character who's not really pushed in design to be super sexy. I was kind of surprised at how I was feeling about it while playing the game, to realize how influenced I've been by all the hot, sexy, beautiful girls in media and marketing, that one starts to feel that it might kinda be the norm, thus making it feel like, as a girl, one is so far away from what is attractive. Playing Kat was making me feel that, "it's okay to be normal." Playing cute, beautiful, badass, and cool characters can be a lot of fun but, sometimes, it's just really nice to be able to feel like it's okay to not be those, but still have a fun character (not to say that Kat isn't cute. ^^)

One of the things that really stood out to me when playing Gravity Rush 2 was how the gameplay itself was just simply really fun. I feel like it's been a really long time since I've had a game that I wanted to pick up and play just for the gameplay, regardless if I'm making any clear progress.. aside from Crypt of the Necrodancer. XD

It takes a little bit getting used to the game's gravity shifting mechanics and learning to weave between modes naturally, but once you get a handle on the basics, it's just so enjoyable flying, falling, traveling, grinding through town, finding your own mini-challenges and trying to improve and perfect your technique. I always get a kick out of turning off Kat's gravity ability at the right time mid-flight to try to make soft precise landings. Luckily, she naturally has the superpower of being invincible to gravity based "smashes into the concrete." -or at least think she does.

It's really nice that the creators to Gravity Rush put so much into making the npc populated areas feel pretty lively and full. It feels unusual to have so many people and objects in a city-like area in which you can go so wild; it really makes the environment feel more alive. =). -though it is a little odd (but fun) that no one's plussed or angry that you have gravity powers and/or that you just tore through the marketplace, destroying everything in your path. -and I can't help but feel a little bad about the many many times in which when activating Kat's gravity power, people get caught in her field and get thrown off into the bottomless abyss, never to be seen again. ^^

It was really great for the game to have its online aspects too. Even though, they weren't features I'd particularly care for in other games, I really enjoyed having them in GR2. They were small side activities and challenges you can take on, such as racing other people's shadows or finding hidden treasure chests with hints from other players. It's such a shame that the server was recently shut down, only about a year after the game's release. ._. I'm really hoping (though doubting) they'll add something offline-based to make up for it.

I can't wait to get back into playing the game again. =D

Don't Rush Me Bro

july 29, 2018