not all of my pets, just a random few.
A lot of these are dead now
Also the living ones are in NZ
Only one of these is actually mine, the rest are Seto's and Neraid's
We will start off with mine, the best cat ever!!!
XO, my love.
She is dead D:
But she lasted a butt load of time, and she didn't die for ages even after the vet tried to put her down, so he was all awkard while trying to kill her.
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Here is my sister's cat, still living!
Called Rimmer
With my mum's hand
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And here is Neraid's cat, died via car attack the day before XO was put down....
Called Fric
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Here is Fric and Rimmer hanging out
Fric was a girl and Rimmer is a boy
(Fric was mega tiny, as u can tell from this photo)
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Here is my sister's rat, called Trogdor.
He is dead... I can't remember how/why.
I will try and find pictures of my rat (Called Subaru, where I got my name from!) and post later, but he is also dead >_>;;
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We have a dog called Darling Jones (DJ for short) which is alive!!!
But I will look for a photo later, I go back to working on assignments now <3