Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

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Quantum Superstition

august 1, 2020

We picked up Pathway for free from the Epic games store a while back; we'd never heard or seen anything of the game prior to then, so it was a big surprise of a discovery! Pathway is a adventure-y strategy rpg, but with an Indiana Jones-esque spin, traveling through narrated chapters full of deserts, Nazi soldiers, and archeological discoveries. XD

You build a small motley crew of adventurers from a selection with their own skills, perks and talents, and travers a world map akin to that of Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, in which you have points of interests connected by dotted lines. Points of interest aren't always battles though, they're randomized and can be discoveries of treasure, events involving decisions and character perks, run-ins with characters to join your crew, and even just simple flavored "non-events" to help immerse you on the journey. -and the game is oh-so-pretty~ X3

You have a limit of supplies on the start of your adventure, so as you're progressing through the map, you are encouraged to engage in events and battles in hopes of finding more fuel for your jeep, ammo, and "supplies". Though the idea of having limited resources might sound stressing for some, it's really not too bad, and if you're not the type of player who wants to deal with that sort of thing, there's a sliding scale for it in the options menu before the journey's onset. ^^ An interesting thing about the "supplies" resource is that it's shared among your characters and can be used in various ways depending on which character is using them. Grenades, instant healing, and armor repair all use it, thus every grenade thrown by one character means one less medical kit available for healing. X3 I've seen shared resources in other games like Super Mario RPG, but this just kinda stands out as sounding a little weird, but in a fun way. It's not bad, but it just makes me furrow my eyebrow out of interest. X3

But yeah, what a fun, beautiful, awesome game! XD I really recommend it if you're in an adventuring/strat RPG mood. The battles might bite a little hard, but at the same time, as long as you understand the mechanics and use the terrain of the field to your advantage (using cover in particular), you can get through many battles mostly unscathed; it's really gratifying. X3

Quantum Superstition

august 1, 2020