Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Not a Peep Was Heard

february 8, 2020

In December, we received a surprise box of Peeps. I've only ever seen them on TV and in stores so I was kinda excited, but at the same time unsure about my feelings since I'm pretty sure they're marshmallows, which I never crave for and admittingly kinda wanna shy away from since they're just mounds of sugar. '_' -So they've just been kinda sitting in the bookshelf near my computer, waiting for the maybe eventual day they will be summoned. The only times when I EVER have marshmallows are when having smores or hot cocoa which I probably have only once every... two years? Or less.

A big question also is whether or not they are simply marshmallows or is there more to the flavor? Would they even go well in smores or hot cocoa? I know I could just OPEN the package and just eat one, but there are FOUR in the package and I don't like the idea of being dedicated to eating them all for the sake of finishing the package, but it also feels like such a waste to throw them out if the situation calls for it. >.> -and a friend recently told me that whenever they eat peeps, they end up regretting it in the end. '_' Looks like we're in a standstill. XD -for now. Maybe I'll offer up the peeps next time we have company over, so we can all possibly suffer together. =)

Not a Peep Was Heard

february 8, 2020