Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

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Don't Bug Me

september 7, 2019

Spiders freak Bear out. ^^ I try to take them outside when I can. I always feel terribly guilty about killing them if it ever comes to it unless it's a dangerous type like a black widow, which then I think I'd freak out just as much. @_@

So... Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse: we wanted to see it for months, since before it hit theaters but didn't see it until it hit Netflix. We loved it, then got it on Blu ray for really cheap semi recently! XD There's so much to admire about the movie. I know it's not really anything new for someone to recommend seeing the movie since the public's response on it has been pretty much positive across the board, but yes, I recommend you to go see the movie! X3 Good feels, very artistically pretty, solid story, and good characters and moments.~

I admit that one of my favorite aspects of the film is the character, Peter B Parker. It feels so interesting to see a popular comic hero in his situation, past his prime and kinda beaten down in life after he'd been doing it for twenty years. I know there've been hero type characters like that in media before, but he feels a little different, I think, in that he's not completely hopelessly reclusive; he kinda knows what he wants, but has lost too much of his confidence, he regrets, and has become afraid of moving forward. I think his condition feels really relatable and is probably a problem many of us can empathize with. I also love how he acts at the sight of Mary Jane and the subtext his dialogue carries in certain scenes, I just can't get enough of it. It makes me root for him so much.~

One thing about the film that I feel is kind of a shame is that I would have liked to have seen more depth for the other spider people; I completely understand why they didn't go deeper though. That's just too much content to jam into two hours and they gotta keep the focus on the main story and characters they have before them.

Anyway, I LOVE this movie! =D I look forward to when I next set time aside to sit down and watch it again. =D

Don't Bug Me

september 7, 2019