Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic

Before I moved in with Cecilia, I used to have this big thing about cardboard. XD I didn’t make too many things, but I really enjoyed working with it; cutting grooves, making clean bends, and constructing various useful structures and poor-man’s tools. I always kept a few sheets of cardboard stored in the corner of of my room behind my dresser just in case and would be happy if I ever got my hands on a really nice clean piece with a good drawing surface. When Cecilia and I started dating, I used to say that we were “cut from the same piece of cardboard.” Thinking back to that though, I imagine that it probably sounded really weird, but it was something we share and enjoyed.

It was such a surprise to see Nintendo’s reveal of Nintendo Labo, a project they launched in which they combine the art of cardboard craft with the functions of their Nintendo Switch to create a whole new interactive gaming experience! =D

The Robot Kit is totally something that I would been super amped to try out when I was small. After the reveal of the transforming robot suit for humans in the 1986 Transformers movie, as a kid, I was really into the idea of controlling a robot form and its special moves with body movements, but you know, nothing like that ever existed except through imagination and play. The little kid in me can’t help but to be wowed. Hahaha.

I really love how Nintendo always tries to innovate with the focus of trying to make fun new ways to play video games. Not only is Labo another way to bring digital playing to another level, but I feel it’s a neat project that can spark people’s curiosity and interest in creating and engineering. They even encourage it with open explanations of how your contraption works with the hardware and encourages people to be creative and make your own projects with what you’ve learned from it. =3

If I saw this as kid, I think I would have been really excited and it probably would have been a big push to make me want to get a Nintendo Switch, I mean, aside from the other games that I’ve taken in big interest in. XD I really hope that this gets popular enough for it to last for a a few years, and maybe one day that I’ll have the time and money to play around with it myself. Oh Nintendo Switch, you seem like such a cool gaming console.~

Cardboard Catastrophe

march 3, 2018