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Video Game Comic and Blog

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To Fake a Remake

december 13, 2014

I know there are a lot of people in disbelief, expecting something wonderful when Square Enix took to the stage with a Final Fantasy 7 announcement. I have pretty much no faith in the company so it didn't come as quite a shock to me; this seems par for the course, all things considered. The fact that they decided that it was a good idea to make a big deal out of it just shows how low they have gone to cash in. I kept thinking, where is the pride? The shame? And why aren't people booing?

What is mind blowing to me is how many people buy into any of their ports; it just makes me feel further and further disconnected from others. Are these people for real? At what point will they stop justifying the madness of supporting this trend? And yet, even though the shameless cash grabs are nothing new, can you really blame Square Enix and the host of other companies following suit? Fans keep buying over-priced shitty ports, then act surprised when something like this happens. If you don't like getting slapped in the face with dildos, maybe you should stop asking for seconds? Just a thought.

To Fake a Remake

december 13, 2014