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Video Game Comic and Blog

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Chicken Feed

july 11, 2014

Oh, the pain that Pie knows of losing in HearthStone's ranked mode is one we both share. One made clear when first starting out and refined to a razor sharp point at the beginning of a new season. Where she is quick to internalize the issue of losing, I tend to think that when faced with the impossible odds that starter decks have in meaningful competition, perhaps internalizing isn't the healthiest approach.

This is a game of grinding until you have the resources to compete and the person with more time and/or money to grind into dust is directly influencing their winning averages; a system not unlike many free-to-play games, as it were. Despite that, I still find it incredibly fun. Perhaps that is because I don't go in expecting to win? Or perhaps I am just having better luck at winning, thus giving the perception that the game is more enjoyable than I am leading myself to believe. Being in RNGesus' good graces seems to help.

Like all good games though, if you want any meaningful return on your time investment to reach that euphoric and elated state of winning, you're going to have to put the time in to get good by whatever means the system deems necessary. In that way, I feel that Pie has the right of it; get your game face on and do what it takes to get to the top (of the bottom).

Chicken Feed

july 11, 2014