"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website
This week we are proud to preset a picture of our little couple in aggro, Bear and Pie. Sorry that there won’t be a traditional comic this week, we shall return to our normal update schedule next Friday! This marks our 25th entry in Life in Aggro and is big milestone for Pie and me. We have now been working on Life in Aggro for roughly 26 weeks straight – or in a broader sense for half a year. The time has gone by so quickly, as time tends to. I know that half a year is nothing in the grand scheme of things. For us though, who had a lot of problems getting this project off the ground and started, it means a lot. We have been late on a few comics, and have had to scale back our initial expectations on what we could realistically accomplish, but this has been a tremendous learning experience for us both.
When we first started the comic, I wasn’t even sure that I would be able to keep up with writing somewhat entertaining things. After keeping up for the last half year, I feel a lot less unsure of myself and a lot more confident that we can keep up this pace and eventually get more aggressive with our ambitions. Pie wants to be able to expand on her art and I want to expand on my writing so that in a year we can look back and feel like we have made great improvements in how funny, entertaining, interesting and visually appealing the comic is.
This has been quite the learning experience for Pie and me as it also signifies that we can work cooperatively on a project while maintaining a good relationship balance. Having a successful relationship in and of itself is already a challenge, but to take it a step further and be able to work alongside one another constantly without any issues is another big relief for me. I’m very blessed to be able to work with her as it makes me happy and pushes me to grow as well.
In closing, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading the comic. I promise that to everyone, including myself, that I will continue to strive to become better and hopefully come up with more quality and amusing comics. I hope to be able to write material that is worthy of your time and Pie’s art. Thanks again!
P.S. Click here for a large pic of today's comic.
Hi everyone! Sorry for the late post. My color works tend to have a habit of taking much longer than I expect them to. o_< As Bear mentioned in his post, this color picture is to celebrate our half year/ 25th issue!! XD It might not sound so many, but it was a lot of invested time, work, and heart on our part. =) Thanks to all of you who've been reading, sticking with, and supporting us through all of these months.
Aside from the stress of working many hours straight, it was a fun project to do because I've been wanting to do a color picture for some time now and because it's kind of an homage to one of my favorite zombie infested childhood snes games, Zombies Ate my Neighbors. XD Unfortunately, it's also one of those games that I was never able to buy. T-T I hope seeing the picture was worth the wait for you guys.~