*wavehand* /hi
howz the gang doing . i miss erza me lovely gm . i love you erzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! (phew got that out)
heya wiz. so i can see on the forums the guild is doing great. lots of new people . where are we now with respect to allies. who are our allies btw. did we make any god items gr??? . life's has been empty/shallow/sickening without RO. still trying to figure out a way to be carrer wize ambitious and squeez in ro in between.
hows the woe doing. timings changed??. last i remember i left me sage near near in 96.
we got any caster sages/scholars?? whats the rough numbers we packing these days? classes??
heya mel howz doing. miss arguing with you the most. what are you playing these days.
is kazu playing ?? meh fav priesty. she n belfyyyyy!!!! zeh awsome pair.