my reply yesterday night was a bit rushed as i was at work, but i felt the need to get more in depth of what makes a good mmo to me and why so many fall flat. none of this is in direct relation to ff14, my analysis of it isn't really there from what little i've played but this is more of discussing what i like to see from mmos and why there is so many I just don't enjoy.
basically when I play a mmo, the main things i'm interested are things I'm gonna invest time into creating, i love the creation aspect of anything, from building a house and leveling the construction skill in my old days of runescape, to just outright building things in minecraft or building bases in survival games (rust, hurtworld, ect.) i love to build. i love to make something that leaves a lasting aspect and is easy to get into. this is first and foremost the most important aspect to me when entering a new mmo, because unlike other people this is my true endgame, this is me investing my life into making the prettiest and coolest place to call home in a virtual world. something to be proud of sinking countless hours into. all other content usually pales in comparison to me. now i know ff14 doesnt really have that but this is a huge selling point for me and an mmo and why so many fall outright flat for me. i don't think any mmo has done housing better than wildstar and just the fact they tied housing stuff into loot and skills, just is absolutely the best, but i just dont like everything else to wildstar.
my next major thing to any mmo is perhaps the loot and overall appearance as you keep going, aside from building, i absolutely love working my butt off to get cool gear and when a game pales with its gear because its trying to lure you over to its online store i get pretty upset. one of the hugest reasons why elder scrolls online fell flat for me, that includes housing cause its a bitch of overgrinding to get into. seriously hate ESO. but i think when creating an rpg world and locking anything to a store content wise cosmetic or not, your ass better be free to play. people always use the argue "it's just cosmetics" nah son! cosmetics are the end all for alot of people, almost everyone wants thier character to stand out! if you charge a subscription or full price, get the fuck on up outta here! I just feel mmos should always have the rarest coolest shit hidden behind some hard to obtain quest thats even harder or some special method of getting it to make it all the more amazing. (like you have to go to the third waterfall in so and so, climb the tallest peak and wait for night at the right moon cycle to talk to some ghost person) something that isn't necessarily a challenge all the time, something just like an event. i also just think it should be able to be gotten by all people with enough effort on thier end. if you dont feel like killing all bosses (with some absurd condition) maybe you just dont need the "dragon god armor/dye/mount/ect". but its a reward for those players who invest into thier respective content. and theres not gonna be something cooler sitting on the market for any old joe with extra cash slinging around to show off. you play to get rewarded not pay to get rewarded. i feel like i combined two topics. whatever lol.
another thing about mmos is usually the least thing i care about but after playing wildstar for awhile, i really realized it does matter. i like a good amount of classes. probably the best classes i've ever played was hunter in wow, and ranger in guild wars 2. just something about tracking down your companion and training them is fun. I'm usually all about the pet/summoner classes. i love having multiple pets if possible or multiple summons. but i'll settle with a good mage. maybe its just how mmos are designed that i've never really enjoyed the combat. maybe its just i don't enjoy what the classes do. if im gonna be pressing the same buttons over and over, i want something cool or engaging to happen, rather than just widdle down the monsters health pool. this is why i dont let combat dictate the game in mmos, to me it feels like it is the grind part of it, its not the part you're there to enjoy but the part you're there for to move forward. and its really unsatisfying. why cant there be flashy moves? like the standard level 1 fireball is fine, but why cant level 2 be more flashy, and level 3 be the most flashiest shit ever? i mean i grinded this far, i want to be able to do some really cool lookin shit! i dont know, i feel like mmos combat systems are always the most basic format and no one tries to innovate or add complexity to the skills system because it would require too much work and undoubtedly it would. to create a spell that arcs or changes, is to balance like 3 or 4 variations of the same spell for 100+ skills instead of just balancing 100+ skills. but yet if one skill had different branching versions, entirely new builds could be created for one class and the level of individuality for players could be indefinite. maybe you're that standard fire mage, but that guy over there thought mixing his ice magic and fire magic to create coldfire would be fuckin sick. and you know what, blue fireballs that freeze things are pretty awesome. i feel like im getting off track again and dreaming up impossible things when all i really want is natural progression to look cooler for combat. like level 1 fireball is a fireball, level 2 is bigger but explodes, and level 3 is bigger but explodes into a firestorm. it doesn't gotta be crazy, just has to get more flashy.
i've been writing this post for probably over an hour, so i think its time to wrap up. basically if an mmo has a really good housing/building system, or really cool gear and doesn't have an in game store. im pretty down for it as long as the classes and stuff arent too super boring. and this basically doesn't describe any mmo for me.