Yeah, it is probably time to create a separate Thread for Dankest Dungeon. This one is becoming near incomprehensible for anyone that doesn't know anything about the game
Also, got my hands on a PS4 copy of Mortal Kombat X and snagged all the DLC. This stuff is great. Ferra/Torr is still my main, but I do enjoy playing as Alien and Leatherface. I think I've managed to get more unlocked in this game, than I did the PC version. Man, there's a lot of meat on this game. Some of it is rotten, but there's a lot for a Scrublord like myself to still have fun with it.
And Zombi was free with PS+ this month, so I'm poking at that a bit. This is one of those rare games, that I know nothing about going into it, so I'm having some fun with that. It is apparently one of those games that downloads in parts, though. So I did get stuck for a bit, not realizing that I hadn't downloaded the rest of London yet, and that's why I can't pass through this one door.
I am not a reasonable man.