Whoo boy, those early Anime days. It was a time when we'd watch ANYTHING. There were some terrible things I'll never go back to (Apocalypse Zero, M.D. Geist, etc) but there were some that I still look back on with some nostalgia. Not that I'd own them, but nostalgia....yeah, I think that's a good way to put it.
THE PURGE, though, that's different! We own a lot of games, but I wouldn't call it that large of a collection, compared to others. It's large, say, to my family members who aren't gamers, but to the general community of people who play video games: It's pretty basic. Still, there's a certain point where you have to look at that random PS2 game you got years ago because the cover looked neat and the reviews said it was okay and just....maybe, let it go. Along with some others.
Then, of course, you continue keeping games you've never played and have no idea WHEN you'll play them. My wife and I collected various Wild Arms games, but have only touched one of them so far, and didn't even get that far. But we still PLAN to....so they stick around. That's a lot of the games on the shelf, for some reason or another.
I'm not even gona get into toys. Oh man. If there's anything that needs a major purge, it's toys.