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A Little Help, Please?

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A Little Help, Please?

Postby thatonesniperguy » Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:46 pm

So, I beat Megaman: Battle Network 5 again, and I get enough customizer parts to glitch Megaman completely (glitches are an essential part of my fighting style), and then the game crashes and erases my save file. Does it have something to do with the glitches...? This isn't the first time it happens to me. The game always crashes some time after beating Nebula Grey. me, anyone?
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Re: A Little Help, Please?

Postby Soeroah » Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:13 pm

IIRC the glitches are actually a part of the game, right? So it couldn't be them. Maybe you just have a bung copy :/
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