by Adol The Red » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:27 am
I love this writing kick I'm on. I have a story I write in episodic format. Have 3 seasons on 24 episodes planned, and I've had season one done for a while. I've finally gone back and did the revision work I needed to do to it; I've been putting that off for so long. I found that I compose better on the computer than on paper, but I need to revise on paper or I just can't stay focused, so I had to replace my defunct printer. Almost done, and then I can finally put my full effort towards season two, which is what I've really been wanting to do the whole time. For weeks I've been working and writing and that's about it. I haven't even been playing anything. It has made me have to face my own emotions again. I tend to keep distant from them, but I'll do whatever it takes if it means I keep writing. It may make things more difficult, but I'm also a little more open and sociable, so I guess its a good trade.
On a side note, I have been having terrible problems staying connected to the internet. I have wifi service through my landlord, so I'm completely reliant on my wireless connection, and it seems there's some kind of interferance. My dad lives next door and he's had the same problems on the same timeframe, so there's not much else it could be. I'm looking into getting some kind of booster, but till then its tough to do anything online. By the time I post this I'll have refreshed my connection at least six times.
Epic , brah!