by Adol The Red » Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:17 am
My younger years were a time of great temult in my life. I lived with my mom till I was in the sixth grade, and until then I never went to one school for an entire school year. We moved around a lot, and there was one man we lived with multiple times. The last time my mom and he got into a fight we ended up spending the night in her van. When we got back most of the house was gutted. I was a just a child, sure, and couldn't understand the complexities of the relationship between the two of them, but I do know that I did trust this man and he literally stole everything I owned (at least at my mom's).
After that I went to live with my dad and stepmom, and things got a lot more stable. Still, it was a great betrayal, and to this day I do not give out my full trust easily. I can count on one hand the people I completely and absolutely trust.
If you could visit any fictional world, and be completly safe from harm in that world, which would you visit and what would you do?
Epic , brah!