Hello! I've been reading the comic ever since a cyborg dinosaur spun around on a snowboard while firing lasers and cracking me the heck up. Figured it was about time to make a name here and start kissing butt 'n all that. You know how it is what with liking webcomics. Gotta give credit where credit is due! Plus, this forum might attract many old school gamers such as myself, maybe?
Anyway, what do you do with intro threads? About me 'n such?
Ummm.... 28 year old tall, bespectacled, blond bearded guy workin' at a library and married to a pharmacist that makes all the dough. Both of us had quite a different video game upbringing, until we met back in high school and our worlds were smooshed together, with me introducing her to RPGs and she introducing me to games that were current (because they had apparently become 3D when I wasn't paying attention, and they were ugly as sin). I'm still kinda oldschool when it comes to games, and I probably complain more than I should about the FPS being what you think of when you say "video game" nowadays (dang youngins'.) That, and the fact that what I know as an RPG has suddenly become a JRPG. The times they are a'changin'.
Anyway, facts:
Fave Game: Chrono Trigger, ever since I rented it thinking it was some side-scroller that I would get to when I was done with Final Fantasy 6 (then called 3). I ended up playing Chrono Trigger first 'cause I thought I would save the best for last, then PLAYED IT FOREVER. I did get to 6 eventually, and I love it too (of course) but Chrono Trigger will always be the object I'm married to. ...I figure you can marry a person and an object and leave it at that. The wife hasn't objected to having the SNES cart sleep with us at night, so I think I'm good.
Fave System: Well...SNES. Guess that goes without saying, though I did have a lot of great years with the Playstation.
Fave Game Soundtrack: Chrono Cross. Yeah, Trigger is full of nostalgia, but Cross is full of majesty and perfection. Can't say as much for the game...but OOOHHH the soundtrack...
Fave Things: ROBOTS. Unless I get stuck on a boss in Robotrek and my robots totally fail me and I can't friggin' level up. Then robots can go screw themselves.
Fave Toy: Well, it hasn't come out yet, but it'll be
Currently Playing: Tales of Graces F (with wife), Journey (finished but more to do), replaying Front Mission on the DS for the 3rd or 4th time (new game +), Kirby's Return to Dreamland (with friend), Earthbound (first time not on an emulator; borrowed from a friend; currently trying to get Poo's sword from a gold Starman).
Aaallllright. That looks like more than anyone ought to know. I was going to say which comic was my favorite, but I believe that presented itself in the opening statement. Now, on to foruming!