Because I spend way too much time watching and rewatching stuff instead of doing important things. Like sleeping.
- Take a music video, mute the noise, and attempt to lip read the lyrics. That's what this guy did to create these hilarious parody videos. My personal favorites are the , , and ones. If music is not your thing, then you could listen to or babble on too.
- It's as the name implies: songs arranged for orchestra. Not much else to it, other than I love his renditions of , , , and .
- ANOTHER music parody channel? Well, shut up. I like my music parodies. These guys are funny. My favorites from them are their parodies of , , ,
, , and , the last two of which are derived from songs I absolutely despise.
/ - Okay, here, a non-music channel. The Fine Bros show little kids viral videos, Youtube stars, and pop stars, such as , , , , and , and then ask them about what they just watched. Little kids are the best.
Your turn.