Howdy! My name is XelaReko and I am rather new to Life in Agro, only finding out about it a few months ago. I am a gamer, a scientist, and a programmer which I like to say gives me a "unique" view point on video games but in reality means that I just do things such as sit staring at the textures, judge the accuracy of the game's physics, and try to figure out how they programmed segments usually while driving anyone who is watching insane by my easily-distracted play style.
I fell in love with the art style and writing of LiA as soon as I saw it and I figured it was time to join the community, so here I am!
I guess I will share some random facts about me now:
1. I am colorblind and love valve for putting colorblind modes into their games.
2. I really love school. I am completing a masters in physics and software engineering and probably will pick up another degree in math if allowed.
3. I practice several types of martial arts, but only have a black belt in one system. The rest were just to try different view points and ideas.
4. I work at a National Lab that holds most of the world records for High intensity magnetic fields and we have made frogs float before.
5. I have a love of spreadsheets and graphs and structured systems which I like to play up as a romantic interest or obsession sometimes. (So don't scared! It is all in good fun!)
6. I am trying to learn Danish but find it hard as it is so different from English.
If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to try to answer! =D