by Pie » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:11 pm
Yes, the comic is Hearthstone related. ^^ I love hearthstone because its design, art, aesthetics, and the feeeeeeling the game gives off. @u@ -but I can't play it because, like mentioned in older comics, I'm not super good at it. I think my biggest problem is that I play to collect cards, not to have fun, so eventually I get frustrated and upset if I lose a couple matches because I feel like I wasted my time and got nothing from it. '_'
The whole pupper thing kinda is and is not Hearthstone. ^^ There's a cool single player mode in which you play a special hero with the hero power to summon a 1/1 dog with "rush." ^^ So there are plenty of chances to have dogs on the field. =)
The larger part of this week's comic is based on My Hero Academia. ^^ Cecilia and I've been super into it lately.
===============kinda very-light spoiler warning??==============
If you're not familiar with it, there's a power that the protagonist obtains that is passed down from hero to hero called "One for All." The antagonist power however is "All for One" which at its base, is the convergence of powers taken from other individuals to a single individual.
============== End light spoiler?? ======================
Cecilia was planning on writing a post about it, but she didn't have time to before posting that night. '_' A shame because people apparently haven't been linking the two materials together when reading the comic, even with clues, such as the title, the theme on the archives page, and dog designs. ^^ I'm very happy that you at least had joy out of reading the final line. =) Thank you!