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Magic the Gathering!

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Magic the Gathering!

Postby Regnek » Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:00 pm

So I was wondering if there were any other players of this game out here, I've been playing for almost a year now, couple of my friends got me into it.
And if you are playing, what kinda deck do you play, and what colour(and yes I'm going to spell colour the proper way regardless of what the spell check says) do you play, how long have you been playing and such.
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Re: Magic the Gathering!

Postby The Lich Tree » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:59 pm

im surprised no one replied to this! magic the gathering is amazing! i haven't played it in so long though cause ive had no one to play with and gave my best friends all my cards to hang onto cause he plays it like crazy now that i have him into it. one day ima move back and build a deck and play the crap out of it with him. magic is great. i vary with decks. i like to mix things up from time to time and try out different tactics. one time i made a whole colourless deck that used all 5 manas and it summons golem armies and buffed them and other tokens it was insane and fun to use, another time i built a blue and black infect deck and another time a white and black deck. just it varies i try out different things all the time for fun.
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Re: Magic the Gathering!

Postby The Lich Tree » Fri Aug 23, 2013 6:00 pm

best friend not friends*
There would be a pretty good signature here if I was witty enough! Probably.
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