by Bear » Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:10 pm
These announcements have certainly hindered me getting the coloring done on this Friday's comic on time. Luckily Pie is way behind on background because this one was line work heavy, so I'm still waiting on her.
I have a lot to say about the changes, but first of all:
New non-faction specific race - I never liked factions, but WoW did a good job solidifying why I HATE factions so much. Great job making me pick which of my friends to hang out with. This is a nice change in the other direction, but still short of what I want since I will have to choose after level 10...
Addressing class homogenization - This really killed the game for me, too much of the same shit between classes. Similar buffs, no way to really min/max for the sake of "freeing raid composition". Fuck raid composition, whats the point if you don't have places where certain abilities/skills are more powerful? Do equal damage on Ragnarok in Fire spec as Ice spec - god I hate that shit. Hopefully new talents will make builds more interesting- but ONE talent per 15 levels?! WTF? At least its a step in the right direction.
Reducing importance of class roles - One of the many, long necessary changes, but I don't think WoW will ever be able to completely eradicate Tank/Heals/DPS roles, which I would love to see.
Monk's are a non hero class - WHY?! Why must I have 20 levels of new content followed by 65 of (now) old content. Christ. I leveled enough new characters in Cata. I don't want to trudge through the same old shit again just to be a damn panda.
Complete God Damn Overhaul - Yes, change is good and necessary, but god damn man. I don't even have enough time to stay up to date with all these changes, and reading EJ every time a patch drops, let alone massive expansion-by-expansion changes, just to maximize my character performance is boring as fuck. No thanks.
Anyways, that's my rant. Bottom line - too little, too late Blizz (at least for me). Maybe because I came in during late Wrath, but I just don't care enough to pay $60 bucks for an expansion and $15 for one month to check out Pandaria.
I'm just gonna stick with Guild Wars 2, thanks.