by RollCasket » Tue May 10, 2011 9:49 am
That's a surprising comment, especially after watching the vid o.O
While I'm not the biggest fan of the muted palette myself, it's a stylistic choice and reminds me of how Vagrant Story looked, or more modern, Dragon Age. Speaking of, the combat is kind of similar to Dragon Age as well, since it's mainly action with moments where you can have a party member cast a spell, use an ability, etc. Even more than that though, it looks like you can also get surprise attacks by not rushing headfirst into battle and sneaking around, destroy parts of the environment to take out enemies, even lure a group of enemies into an area of effect spell, and other effects by moving into an aoe fire move to set your sword on fire or having two mages cast different spells together. That's already way more strategy than most action rpgs have and I don't see how anyone can't be excited about that.
I'm not sure what you mean by the speed though. It's not as fast as some action rpgs but it's certainly faster than some. Monster Hunter in particular comes in mind and the one thing that will always plague that game for me personally is the slow speed, yet that game is stupidly popular. Still though, if you've played the Dragon Age games the pacing seems to be most similar to that which is perfectly fine.
Icon and sig art by Feining =)
"May the earth shatter, may the oceans dry, and may the sun extinguish itself. We are demons."