by Adol The Red » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:10 am
Still loving this game to death. Constantly gaining and upgrading titles gives me something to think about other than grinding while I'm grinding. In fact, I don't think I've once felt as if I was grinding, because I'm completely focused on others things. Almost to the end.
One complaint, though, and it's not so much about the game as it is Namco Bandai. I don't consider myself a huge Tales fan. I like what I've played, and would play others, but I do have friends who are very big Tales fans, and I have to agree with one thing they find annoying about Namco Bandai and how it especially relates to this game. That is, how they just refuse to release Tales games in America. I guess I should be glad we got the f version of graces, and not just the original. I'd love to play the PS3 version of Vesperia, though, and there are other games they just haven't brought out. I know these types of RPGs aren't the hottest sellers here, but it seems like the fan base Tales games do have is pretty rabid. Maybe the games are just too big to justify the cost of localization? I don't know. This relates to Graces with the Magic Carta game. You collect all these cards for this game, all of which have portraits and quotes of various Tales characters. When all is said and done I think you can get 90 of these things. Of course, if you're relying on American releases, you won't know who about half to three quarters of the these people are. There's also a cameo of another character at the end of the arena, but again, no-one we would know. What I'm getting at is that it's a huge tease. It feels like they're shoving it in people's faces that they have all these games but won't release them.
I know I'm overreacting, and I really don't take it as seriously as this post sounds, but things like this just irritate me. That said, Graces is still awesome and this is in no way a reason not to play it. I just wanted to complain.
Epic , brah!