Where we post pictures (or plain old boring text) of hot game characters, and then our SO's get mad at us even though they do the exact same thing. Simple, right?
"But Kerreth, I don't remember characters for how good they look."
That's okay, but next time, try not to lie to my face, you liar. Because you're totally lying.
Keep your pictures relatively SFW. Yes, I made a thread about hot characters and I put it in the SFW section. /scumbagstevehat. But really, I was debating with myself whether or not to put this in the NSFW section, and I realized you can totally have a thread like this without having to look at some seriously disturbing fanart of someone's boobs or dong.
Now, where to start?
Garrett Hawke - Dragon Age II
The only default character I kept in a Bioware game and the guy on my wallpaper for about a year until ME3 came out, just look at him. Too bad his one and only true OTP is Anders (because I said so!) because I'd jump all over that.
Adam Jensen - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
(Official art is official. :3) He may not have asked for it, but nice body with robotic arms, slick hair, and sunglasses that retract into his face? Yes please x1000.
Cole McGrath - Infamous
Cole's a pretty cool guy. Eh shoots lightning from his fingers and doesn't afraid of anything.