by Tehwilburforce » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:27 pm
Hmm... I dunno about that, but I'd like to see more research before I decide whether or not the lack of backwards compatibility is truly lame. Anyways, I'm so happy to see Sony kicking butt for the next gen. Already can't wait for KH3 and FFXV. The latter is going far from typical JRPG's, but I like to think of it like a mix of KH and DMC in terms of gameplay and attitude. Also, Battlefront is coming back. I'm so pumped for giantass space battles, you have no idea. I knew they wouldn't kill Battlefront!!! I just knew it!!!
On the Nintendo side of things, we're getting so much in the next couple years that it's gonna be insane. Please tell me you guys have the new Pokemon pre-ordered I'm gonna need people to play with over internet when I have nothing else to do! Smash Bros with Mega Man is also going to be amazing. I want to main him for sure.
-Sailor Mercury