I was writing a big long post about this and i accidently knocked my mouse onto the floor, and as fate would have it, it hit the lil red x.
Just to say in short, avoid this game at all cost, don't even infect your hard-drive with the demo version, as inside entails the worst sonic game in the history of mankind. If THIS was what had been given to us in the days of genesis (minus the 3D graphics of course) I don't think sonic would have made it into even sonic 2, nor would Genesis have made it past 32x.
The game was just absolute shit! It had no real momentum AT ALL! It was just a JOKE! They homing attack works shoddy as hell, there's actually a small time period before sonic curls into a ball whilst doing the homing attack that he can be hit by the enemy that he is HOMING ATTACKING!
What upsets me the MOST about this horseshit is that they DELAYED the game in order to "perfect it" More like they had realized what they'd done and tried desperately to fix their broken fucking game, failed, then just decided to release it anyway, with only FOUR STAGES.
5 if you include the death egg, but that's just re-hashing of the same bosses you already fought, cept they're a LITTLE harder.
This is how much I hate this game, do you remember the sonic 2 end boss? That exact rip is the boss for sonic 4. What kind of game is this? I can understand trying to be nostalgic, but to just shit out your exact same shit but tweek it a little and make it HD so people will like it?
I don't know if you guys are aware, but someone did a really high rendered image of the classic sonic 2 fight, just as a for fun project. It inspired a group of independant developers to begin work on an HD sonic 2 (it's still very shortly come along since they're building it from scratch)
Not long after this game was in development, suddenly sonic 4 is in development, and they MYSTERIOUSLY have the EXACT SAME BOSS that inspired this whole redone HD classic style sonic? I hate this game so much, that if I could someone remove the bit of memory that held it from my xbox, I would bring it out into the street and office space it.
this is the image I'm talking about, in case you didn't hear
http://exophase.com/images/misc/2084665 ... 834_ob.jpg