No problem, I knew you'd want to see them just as much as me =) I think this is different though, cause like I said, there are quite a few korean mmos that get put out here that it just seems weird that they wouldn't. Regardless...I WILL find a way to play it if it doesn't >.>
I'm not so sure if classic Megaman is a playable character or not =X From all the videos and such it seems as if he just makes appearances to come in and save your butt at random times. Course it's hard to say at this point till more info comes out, as it is they were also saying Cinnamon was confirmed to be in there (the healer bot from Command Mission) but it wasn't clear on if she'd be playable or it's just another cameo/helper/whatever.
As far as the bosses go I wouldn't be surprised at this point to see all the bosses in like all MM games, or close to all. Seeing how it's more MMO style you'll likely be playing some stages multiple times so you gotta have some variety in there. At the same time, I'm curious to see all the "finishing moves" for each boss...the Pharaohman gut-punch finisher was awesome