Hello my name is vince!
I decided to try out fairy tail cause I met casey last week when I met up with old abs/sangs members. We play'd some bowling and apparently i'm good at it when i'm buzzed.
Anyways. I am iDeux- the 95 bard in guild i do have other characters but one of my accounts is dead atm so I only have my main one.
I am mainly on this one or
deux~ 99 HP - i'd bring him over but he's a guild leader atm so I can't break that.
Guild History. I used to be co-leader for abs back back in the day. Then I did a lot of guild hopping. I joined old school neverend on my mastersmith Panache` (currently dead account) and I spent a lot of this year in WoV but they're attendance in siege has been dwindling and they defend a lot.. so I hoping for something new.
Anyhow. hopefully I can get to meet the millions and millions of you guys and lets make some epic fun times with parties/siege. <3 siege.