by Adol The Red » Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:37 pm
Also picked up Xillia but I don't know when I'm going to actually have time to play it. Still, it's on the list. According to others I know its a little difficult going back to regular TP after the system in Graces, but I'm sure that's just something you get used to. Looking forward to getting to it eventually.
So to most everyone I know's great surprise, or at least mild notice, I got New Leaf. Been considering it for a while, and figured what the hey. Having a good time so far, and it's fun working to better my town little by little. I actually left my 3DS at Alexx's last night, so I'm missing a day today. Wish I had it with me because it's a really good game for filling the downtime at work, but I suppose Rad Town can do without Mayor Radical for one day.
Epic , brah!